A first-of-its-kind dance game! “Shake & Waddle”, is a twist to the traditional favourite, “Snake & Ladders”. You ‘Got to Move’ and complete dance challenges with your team to make it to the top of the board! Suitable for ages 5 and beyond. (no dance experience needed!)
The aim is to try to be the first team to reach the no.“100” spot. Players will be grouped into 4 teams. The leader of each team will roll the dice and on every square is a dance challenge/mission attached to it. To win each challenge, all team members must participate in this dance activity. If successful, the team gets to roll the dice again to advance on the board. The dance challenges will get more difficult as the players advance on the board.
Its FREE to play so come on down :)
Venue: Oasis Waterpark at Nee Soon East
Dates: 4th Oct, 6 - 8pm
5th Oct, 4 - 6pm
<Registration form below>
Wholesome fun for the whole family! Come dance and play with us!